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Automating your DCA Strategy with Zhibai Zhang
What is a DCA Bot?
Dollar-cost-averaging (DCA) is a type of trading execution algorithms. It is commonly used in TradFi and has also gained popularity in crypto trading lately. The algorithm evenly distributes the overall investment dollar amount into smaller trades, and executes them separately at a predefined schedule.
For example, Alice has $10000 that she would like to invest in a stock. Instead of buying $10000 worth of shares, she uses a DCA algo and buys $1000 worth of shares once a day, over the course of 10 days.
Often DCA algos are implemented as a trading bot. A DCA bot is an automated trading tool that executes users’ trades following DCA algos programmatically.
Why use DCA bots?
By executing through time, DCA algos can reduce investments’ volatility and lower potential market impact. When the size of the investment is large, using DCA becomes very beneficial as smaller trades perturb the market much less. Given the scheduling nature of the algorithm, deploying a bot to execute DCA trades is ideal.
Volume’s DCA bot product:
Volume builds open source DCA bots on Paloma Chain. Fresh out of the oven, here's an example of setting up a DCA bot on Paloma Chain for PancakeSwap:
# @version 0.3.7
struct Deposit:
depositor: address
path: DynArray[address, 8]
input_amount: uint256
number_trades: uint256
interval: uint256
starting_time: uint256
interface PancakeswapRouter:
def swapExactTokensForTokens(amountIn: uint256, amountOutMin: uint256, path: DynArray[address, 8], to: address, deadline: uint256): nonpayable
def getAmountsOut(amountIn: uint256, path: DynArray[address, 8]) -> DynArray[uint256, 7]: view
compass_evm: public(address)
admin: public(address)
deposit_list: HashMap[uint256, Deposit]
next_deposit: public(uint256)
PANCAKESWAP_ROUTER: constant(address) = 0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E
def __init__(_compass_evm: address):
self.compass_evm = _compass_evm
self.admin = msg.sender
def _safe_transfer_from(_token: address, _from: address, _to: address, _value: uint256):
_response: Bytes[32] = raw_call(
_abi_encode(_from, _to, _value, method_id=method_id("transferFrom(address,address,uint256)")),
) # dev: failed transferFrom
if len(_response) > 0:
assert convert(_response, bool), "failed transferFrom" # dev: failed transferFrom
def deposit(path: DynArray[address, 8], input_amount: uint256, number_trades: uint256, interval: uint256, starting_time: uint256):
self._safe_transfer_from(path[0], msg.sender, self, input_amount)
_next_deposit: uint256 = self.next_deposit
self.deposit_list[_next_deposit] = Deposit({
depositor: msg.sender,
path: path,
input_amount: input_amount,
number_trades: number_trades,
interval: interval,
starting_time: starting_time
_next_deposit += 1
self.next_deposit = _next_deposit
def _safe_approve(_token: address, _to: address, _value: uint256):
_response: Bytes[32] = raw_call(
_abi_encode(_to, _value, method_id=method_id("approve(address,uint256)")),
) # dev: failed approve
if len(_response) > 0:
assert convert(_response, bool), "failed approve" # dev: failed approve
def swap(swap_id: uint256, amount_out_min: uint256):
assert msg.sender == self.compass_evm, "not compass"
_next_deposit: uint256 = self.next_deposit
assert swap_id < _next_deposit
_deposit: Deposit = self.deposit_list[swap_id]
assert _deposit.number_trades > 0, "all traded"
assert _deposit.starting_time + _deposit.interval <= block.timestamp
_amount: uint256 = _deposit.input_amount / _deposit.number_trades
_deposit.input_amount -= _amount
_deposit.number_trades -= 1
_deposit.starting_time = block.timestamp
self._safe_approve(_deposit.path[0], PANCAKESWAP_ROUTER, _amount)
PancakeswapRouter(PANCAKESWAP_ROUTER).swapExactTokensForTokens(_amount, amount_out_min, _deposit.path, _deposit.depositor, block.timestamp)
if _deposit.number_trades == 0:
if swap_id < _next_deposit - 1:
self.deposit_list[swap_id] = self.deposit_list[_next_deposit - 1]
self.next_deposit = _next_deposit - 1
self.deposit_list[swap_id] = _deposit
def triggerable_deposit() -> (uint256, uint256, uint256):
assert msg.sender == ZERO_ADDRESS
_size: uint256 = self.next_deposit
for i in range(1000000):
if i == _size:
return 0, 0, 0
_deposit: Deposit = self.deposit_list[i]
if _deposit.starting_time + _deposit.interval <= block.timestamp:
_amount: uint256 = _deposit.input_amount / _deposit.number_trades
_out_amount: DynArray[uint256, 7] = PancakeswapRouter(PANCAKESWAP_ROUTER).getAmountsOut(_amount, _deposit.path)
return i, _out_amount[len(_out_amount) - 1], _deposit.number_trades
return 0, 0, 0
How can developers get started?
Visit the Volume website to know more about what we're building & don't hesitate to reach out if you have something in mind.
If you want to go waaay into it:
And make use of the latest bot to build bots:
That's it for today & see ya next time! If you liked this issue, be sure to share! 🐍
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